Monday, July 24, 2006

...reaching the skies ...lohgad-visapur...

... mid-July now over... rains everywhere... really a tough time for anyone to be just at home and not being there out in the rains.... but we didn't had to wait a lot...
this time it was Lohgad-Visapur... at Malavali, just 3 hrs from Mumbai...22nd -23rd of July 06...
...Unfortunately not many of us were there for the trek... ultimately me, Aditya, Manish, Rahul T and Rahul V ( from Rachana Environment Course) were the lucky ones to experience this heavenly trek...
...Pandharpur express from VT got us to Malavali station at 2*30am... the climate was amazing .... tried to sleep for a while but was impossible to even rest your back.. thanks to the killer winds adding to already chilled atmosphere...6*00 sharp we started to move on and then it was a journey worth experiencing... not writing....

..... start your trek and these waterfalls just keep on coming your ways...

... walking through the clouds... killer winds its great 2 hour walk to the fort...

... actual fort itself... Lohgad... we could hardly see anything of the fort due to fog... anyways next visit we can catch that...

... excellent piece of rock cut architecture.... Bhaje caves... essentially Viharas... planned with tremendous visualisation... the way this place and its setting in the context has been conceived is truly marvelous...

...sometimes its really nice to have small group of ppl ... at least to make other friends.... this time there was this gang from Lalbag to join all the way... great fun ...

... after too much of Rajmachi and Matheran this was certainly a great destination to hit on ....

Monday, June 26, 2006 agro-tourism experience....

... A visit to the Neral farm...24-25th June '06
... Nisarg Niketan... an 55 acre farmland developed with a concept of agrotourism by Mr. Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle... Great example set up for the farmlands in Maharashtra...Everyone caught up in their routine work...tired of everyday work... a must needed break awaited by all......its been a long time we all had a great time together...Jahnavi, Pooja, Vignesh, Swetal and Amol at Neral station...

... simple cottages within the farmland...

... outdoor dining area within Bamboo forest...

.. greenmiles to take you through the farms and lakes...

... the Pond House... star attraction of the place...

... on the lake in the shade... what more can you expect in afternoon times...

.. its been one of the great weekends to keep you refreshed ....

.... its masti and bhankas all the day.... the PJ gang is all here....